Sunday, June 28, 2009

My Opinion On Good Practice Of Teaching Learning Mathematics

Mathematics is the sturdy of numbers, quantities, measurements, shapes, and their relation to one other. Teaching mathematics should be fun and teachers should fine creative ways to help promote problem-solving skill in their students. This can be done by providing them with apportunities to develop abstract reasoning skill, learn complex math concepts and create solutions to real-life problem.

Teaching learning mathematics in the classroom should not always be directed teaching in which teacher dominated activities and initiations, however, teacher needs to accommodate students initiativesand students needs.

And my opinion on good practice of teaching learning mathematics, teachers will be have knowlegde, skill, talent, value, attitude, interest, experience, and understanding about learning concepts of so good.

Skill to have a teachers to execute task or worker to place aresponsibility upon some one. Whereas experience is most important must to own a teaching.

Teachers must choices a right learning methods with situation and execution of education. If contextual methods was conservative, teachers can use other methods such as groups and discutionts methods, where can step up intelligent of students.

More over, to attract care about students, teachers can use instrument concepts in learning mathematics. Because, that is most important for make a learning mathematics as creative and satisfy, or can do learning in laboratory or out bond concepts.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Reality Of School Mathematics And Student Learning Of Mathematics

Kinds of educations centre :
1. Informal educations
Is education in family and that responsibility is parent
2. Formal educations
Is education in school and that responsibility is teachers
3. Non formal educations
Is education in society and expand psikomotoric model ( skill )

mathematics education influent are : motivation, cooperation, skill, and context

Why mathematics to consider as difficult subject ?
1. Mathematics of course difficult
2. Do for student approach
3. To need theacher belief

What is reality school mathematics ?
1. Be meaning as science is studing model or connection
2. Be meaning as science is useful to problem solving
3. Activity student research
4. Mathematics as communication

What is reality student learning of mathematics ?
1. Mathematics is a mean of problem solving
2. Mathematics is a mean of research
3. Mathematics is a mean communication

How To Prepared Scientific Paper

Kinds of scientific papers is :
1. Report
2. Summering
3. Reference
4. The result of discusion
5. Report experimental
6. The result of report investigation

The etics of writing scientific paper
1. Not to make plagiarist in every your work
2. write this on certainly

Usually, scientific paper that three parts is :
1. Beginning part
a. Cover
Inscribed tittle, nameof scientific paper write, place and time of scientific paper writing
b. Contents list
That function for give guide and description about contents of scientific paper
2. Cores part
a. Introduction
To enwarp
> Back ground
filled the matters why necessary writing scientific paper
> Problems
Is matters will be studing in scientific paper
> Purpose
More coursed about matter will be wearing in scientific paper mentioned
b. Main text/discussion
Filled discuss of topics in scientific paper
c. Shuted
Filled conclusions and suggestions about the problems from writing the scientific paper
3. Ending part
Filled of books list and enclosure

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Nature of Mathematics

Saturday, March 21,2009

I'm lecturing english on second days. Mr. Marsigit give test for us about mathematics elements in english. Hem.....from hundred points, I have twentyeight points only. Huu......"Embarrassing".

The introduction to Mr.Marsigit


Is first day we lecture english from Mr.Marsigit. We straighnot get lesson, but to meet one anoter hears background of educations from Mr. Marsigit.

Befored, to happen a some misunderstanding among Mr. Marsigit with Adib (A2 class chairman) ought to english lectured on saturday. But Mr. Marsigit can't to attended because he have some importance. So that, Adib ask on behalf of Mr. Marsigit to replace on sunday only for this week.

Adib has been petition to Mr. Marsigit in order that can attended. He said "Mr. Marsigit, please...don't make we disappointed again". Have SMS that as, Mr. Marsigit to promised.But haven't time confirmation them among.

Mr. Marsigit has been arrive early. But haven't somebody in the campus. He very angry, upset!! Mr. Marsigit is calling Adib and asking him stayed. He answer, he stiil in the home and said that lecture is doing at 01.45pm. Mr. Marsigit very disappoting and intending to resign as lecturer in University of PGRI. But Mrs. Endang (Mathematics direction chairman) come to him home. She is traaaying to give explanation and soften him heart. Luckly is success.

Finally, Mr.Marsigit become and assign make "BLOGS" to talk this story in english and given this task to a friend which can't attended, and I given to Septia.